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The DSD Jazz Quartet:
 Sean Daniels was born in Chicago, Illinois. He spent most of his youth growing up in Dayton, Ohio where he played in the public school’s concert, marching and stage bands. While attending Alabama State University he developed a love for Jazz music.  He continued studying music at The Ohio State University as well as the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has performed on stage as a drummer with jazz greats Kenny Garrett, Rufus Reid, Tommy Newsome, Lou Rawls and as a vibe player with Carl Allen and others. He received jazz music instruction from Dr. Billy Taylor, Hank Marr, and Ed Saindon just to name a few.  Dr. Daniels currently serves as Timpanist for the Colour of Music Festival Orchestra, an all African American Symphony Orchestra based in Charleston, South Carolina.   His recordings are available through I-tunes, amazon and cd baby.
Chris Simmons a native of Memphis Tn. was first introduced to piano and music theory at the early age of seven. His musical talents continued to be cultivated during his secondary education through participation in jazz band and serving as president of the nationally recognized Central Concert Singers. Mr. Simmons received formal training while attending Middle Tennessee State University majoring in Jazz Studies He has studied with Pat Coil, Cedric Dent, Bruce Dudley and Dr. Lynn Rice-See. Chris currently serves as the pianist of Stateland Missionary Baptist Church.
John Birdsong John Birdsong has been described as one of the most “soulful” upright jazz bass players in the Nashville area. John is applauded by Donald Brown, well-respected jazz pianist (Grammy-nominee), for his ability to “lay down the groove and maintain a steady pulse.” John’s love for music began at an early age in Pulaski, Tennessee where he was introduced to jazz by Mr. Zettie Murrell. When a guest bassist visited the music program of his elementary school, John was mesmerized by the size and tone of the instrument, but decided to study the cornet because it was easier to carry. Throughout his college career at Tennessee State University, he performed on cornet with the prestigious TSU Aristocrat of Bands with fellow musicians Billy Pierce, Thomas Cain, Rock Williams, Wayne Hill and C. C. Johnson. Although he wanted to pursue music as a major, he was encouraged by family and friends to pursue other career options. He ultimately received a Bachelor of Science degree in Building Construction, a Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree and a national certification in Business and Economic Development.   John has also performed with Melba Moore, Hugh Masekela, Paula West, Mulgrew Miller, Ernie Watts, Frank Morgan, Hank Crawford, Dr. Andrew Goodrich, Sonny Fortune, Winard Harper, David "Fathead" Newman, Curtis Fuller, Donald Brown and other extremely talented artists.
Thomas Spann, Jr. grew up under the musicianship of his father Thomas Lee Spann, Sr. who inspired him to play drums. His high-school band director Mack Guice II influenced him to pursue a career in music.
Mr. Spann attended Benedict College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. After graduating Cum Laude from Benedict College, Mr. Spann attended Tennessee State University where he earned a Masters Degree in Music Education. As a percussionist Mr. Spann has recently recorded music with Curtis Fields(R&B), Blended 328 (Country/Pop), and Dr. Sean Daniels (Jazz). He has performed throughout the United States and abroad, most recently in Mexico City, Mexico. Thomas currently serves as an Adjunct Professor teaching applied percussion at Fisk, Volunteer State and Tennessee State University

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F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S 
" Dr. Sean Daniels is an exceptionally gifted and versatile percussion Artist" Don Johns, Artistic Director DMV Percussion Academy
E V E N T S​
N E W S    
January 2020 Dr. Sean Daniels has been nominated to the Percussive Arts Societies Board of Advisors
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